Festivals Expo Fund: £1.7 million Awarded to Cultural Festivals

5 June 2024

Fourteen festivals at the heart of Scotland’s creative and culture sector have received a share of £1.7million from the Scottish Government’s Festivals Expo Fund

Established in 2007 by the Scottish Government, the Festivals Expo Fund aims to foster innovation across festivals and ensure international opportunities for participating Scottish based artists. The funding has been awarded for events that run across the year including Edinburgh’s international, book, film and fringe festivals as well as Glasgow International Festival and Celtic Connections. Over £30 million has been distributed by Creative Scotland to festivals through the fund since its inception. 

Culture Secretary Angus Robertson said: 

Our aim is to support a thriving culture sector in Scotland, which is why it is fantastic to learn 14 arts festivals will benefit from £1.7 million through our Festivals Expo Fund. The Fund has been instrumental in showcasing Scotland’s rich cultural heritage and championing creative talent on both domestic and international stages. This year’s funding not only reaffirms our continued commitment to supporting artistic talent, but also highlights our dedication to bolstering the sustainability of Scotland’s creative industry. These festivals cover a broad range of topics – literature, science, film, music, and visual art – and these embody the diverse and vibrant cultural fabric of Scotland. This funding is a sound investment and testament to the valuable role that the culture sector plays in enriching lives and promoting Scotland as a global cultural leader.

In addition to the £1.7million, £200,000 has been awarded to Festivals Edinburgh to enhance the collective brand operation of the Edinburgh Festivals and boost the profile of a contemporary, creative, outward-looking city and country. 

Executive Director of Arts, Communities and Inclusion of Creative Scotland, Dana MacLeod said:

We welcome the continued support of Scotland’s world-class festivals from the Scottish Government through the Festivals Expo Fund. This fund supports the festivals to imagine bold new commissions and realise ambitious collaborations which both creates quality programmes for audiences in Scotland and opportunities for the festivals to expand their reach internationally.

Explore the full list of awards

Festival Name Delivery Date Funding amount
Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival July 2024 £110,000
Edinburgh Art Festival August 2024 £110,000
Edinburgh International Book Festival August 2024 £105,000
Edinburgh International Festival August 2024 £80,000
Edinburgh International Film Festival August 2024 £60,000
TRACS/Scottish International Storytelling Festival October 2024 £100,000
Celtic Connections January 2025 £100,000
Edinburgh's Hogmanay January 2025 £100,000
Glasgow Film Festival March 2025 £55,000
Edinburgh Science Festival April 2025 £80,000
Imaginate/Edinburgh International Children's Festival May 2025 £110,000
Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society August 2025 £540,000
Glasgow International June 2026 £70,000
Sonica September 2026 £80,000
Total   £1,700,000


The 2024-25 Festival Expo Fund has a budget of £1.7million. The fund is managed by Creative Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Government.  Creative Scotland is the public body that supports the arts, screen and creative industries across all parts of Scotland, distributing funding provided by the Scottish Government and The National Lottery. 

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